Baby Rubber Plant

Baby Rubber Plant

Baby Rubber Plant

Peperomia obtusifolia

Care Guide

  • The baby rubber plant needs bright, indirect light to thrive. It can tolerate medium - low indirect light, but its growth will slow drastically.

  • This plant is very sensitive to overwatering. Let the top 1 - 2 inches of soil dry out before watering. Their waxy leaves store water, so the baby rubber plant can dry out a bit and still be okay. Err towards under-watering vs. over-watering.

  • Baby rubber plants do best in 65 - 75ºF, and cannot tolerate any lower than 50ºF.

  • Thanks to their waxy leaves, baby rubber plants retain moisture in their tissues well. Therefore they do just fine in a low to average household humidity level environment (35 - 65%).

  • These plants need a very well draining potting mix. They’ll do well in a general potting mix with plenty of perlite added for drainage. A 50/50 ratio of perlite to soil is idea.

  • Baby rubber plants are non-toxic for people and pets!