Fishbone Cactus

Fishbone Cactus

Fishbone Cactus, ZigZag Cactus, RicRac Cactus

Disocactus anguliger

Care Guide

  • This plant can thrive in a variety of lighting conditions, from low to bright indirect light. With lower light, the leaves will just be thinner with less “zig zags”.

  • This cactus is a type of jungle cacti, and its natural environment is growing on trees and logs in warm, humid rainforests. So unlike desert cacti, the fishbone cactus needs frequent, regular watering. The soil should stay consistently moist, but not soggy or waterlogged. Water 1-2 times a week with lukewarm water. (cold water will shock the roots)

  • This jungle cactus likes it warm. The upper end of 65-80F is ideal for the fishbone cactus, and never below 60F.

  • The more humidity you can provide this plant the better! It will grow well in typical household humidity of 55-65%, but will absolutely thrive in 65% and up. Daily misting can help raise the humidity around the plant, or keeping it in a bathroom or kitchen.

  • Airy, well draining, rich potting mix. Chunky aroid mixes will work well for this plant. It’s prone to root rot, so be sure the pot it’s in has plenty of drainage and that excess water doesn't collect in the bottom of the pot.

  • The fishbone cactus is non-toxic to pets and people!