

Rubber Tree, Rubber Plant, Ficus

Ficus Elastica

Care Guide

  • Ficus plants need bright indirect light, even some direct sun. My research says it will tolerate medium to low light, but that has not been my personal experience with them. I’ve found they only do well with bright light, and suffered in low to medium light conditions.

  • Ficus plants are very finicky when it comes to their watering. They need a consistent watering schedule, and to not completely dry out between waterings. Avoid drastic changes in the moisture level of the soil, in either direction - dry or wet. Too drastic of changes can trigger the ficus to drop its leaves, even if they’re perfectly healthy.

  • Ficuses prefer warm temperatures, and will do okay in 65 - 80°F. They cannot tolerate anything below 55°F - and no drastic temperature changes or cold drafts, which can also trigger the ficus to drop its leaves.

  • Ficus plants do well in medium humidity (50 - 65%), they can somewhat tolerate low humidity (30 - 45%), but will thrive in higher humidity (65% +).

  • The ficus does best in light, airy, well draining soil that retains a bit of moisture to help prevent it from totally drying out, without too much moisture retention in order to avoid root rot. Pots need to have plenty of drainage. Ficuses prefer to be a bit root bound, so it’s okay to keep them in a smaller pot.

  • Ficus sap contains latex - which is how it got its common name of “Rubber Tree” - but this also makes the sap of this plant mildly toxic to pets and people if ingested or if it gets in eyes, and can cause mild irritation if it comes in contact with skin. If you don’t have a latex allergy or sensitivity, it typically isn’t a cause for concern.

Ficus elastica varieties

Ficus elastica ‘Tineke’

  • Fast growing, with variegated leaves with white, green, and pinkish colors.

Ficus elastica ‘Burgundy’

  • Slower growing with deep dark red leaves. Ok in medium to bright indirect light.