Peperomia Hope

Peperomia Hope

Peperomia Hope

Peperomia tetraphylla

Care Guide

  • Peperomia Hope needs bright, indirect light. It can tolerate low to medium indirect light, but may have slowed or leggy growth, faded colors, and drop its leaves. Avoid any direct sun exposure, as it will burn peperomia hope’s tender leaves.

  • Peperomia Hope needs consistent moisture and should be watered regularly during the spring and summer months. Consistently keep the soil slightly moist, but not soaked. Decrease watering in the winter months, but never let it completely dry out.

  • Typical household conditions are ideal for this plant, and it will thrive in 65F - 85F. Avoid any exposure to temperatures 55F or below.

  • Peperomia Hope will grow wonderfully in average household humidity (45%-65%). Avoid drafts and air vents that can quickly dry out the soil.

  • Peperomia Hope is a tropical epiphyte, so it benefits from an airy mix with plenty of things for the roots to grab onto. A light, airy, well-draining mix is ideal. This plant does not need to be repotted frequently, and actually does well being a bit rootbound. Any pot you plant it in must have drainage to ensure the delicate roots don’t sit in water and rot.

  • All peperomia are non-toxic to both pets and people!