Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendron Varieties

Philodendron hederaceum

Care Guide

  • Philodendron hederaceum can thrive in a wide variety of lighting conditions ranging from “low” to “bright indirect”, depending on what variety. A good rule of thumb is: the more variegated / light areas there are on the leaves of a philodendron hederaceum, the brighter light it needs.

  • For almost all philodendron hederaceum varieties, I’ve found once a week watering to work well. The soil shouldn’t completely dry out between waterings, so water when the top inch or so of soil is dry.

  • Like all philodendrons, these like warm temperatures, and 70 - 85°F is ideal. They’re not cold hardy, and will get cold damage in 55°F or lower.

  • Hederaceum will thrive in medium to high humidity (65 - 85%), but will do just fine in average household humidity (50 - 65%).

  • Philodendron hederaceum will do best with a well draining aroid mix that retains moisture while allowing plenty of air flow to their roots. They are fast growers, and will need to be repotted once you see the roots start poking out from the bottom of the pot. Pots need to have plenty of drainage.

  • Like all philodendrons, philodendron hederaceum varieties contain calcium oxalates in their tissues and are mildly toxic to pets and people if ingested.

Philodendron hederaceum varieties

Philodendron ‘Brasil’

  • The Brasil variety needs bright indirect light to maintain it’s markings and coloring. If it doesn’t get adequate light, it’s leaves can revert back to a solid green color.

  • Philodendron Brasil is a fast grower, and can either be grown as a hanging plant with it’s vines trailing down, or given a support it’s vines will climb! New growth points and leaves will have a pinkish hue to them which fades as the leaves mature.

Philodendron Lemon Lime

  • Due to it’s lighter color and lack of green, the lemon lime needs lots of bright indirect light, and ideal some direct morning sun. Without adequate light the leaves with start to shift to a greener hue, eventually totally reverting back to a solid green color.

  • The lemon lime is an average to slow grower, and can be grown as a hanging plant with it’s vines trailing downwards, or given a support to climb. Unlike other hederaceum varieties, the Lemon Lime will still grow fairly large leaves without a support, and personally I’ve found it makes for a gorgeous cascading effect when grown as a hanging plant.

Heartleaf Philodendron

  • This is the base Philodendron hederaceum that the other varieties stem from! They all came from genetic mutations of this type that were cultivated and developed into each different variety. The heartleaf Philodendron will forever be a classic.

  • With it’s solid green leaves, this Philodendron will do well in medium to bright indirect light, and will even tolerate low light. In low light it’s growth rate will just slow down significantly.

  • This one grows on the slower side, but given brighter light and warmer conditions can help enourage more growth. It can be grown as a hanging plant with it’s vines trailing down, or given support and allowed to climb.