

Pothos, Devil’s Ivy

Epipremnum aureum

Care Guide

  • Pothos are very hardy plants, and can survive in low to bright indirect light. They’ll do best in medium to bright indirect light, especially variegated varieties.

  • Water when the top inch or so of the soil is dry, and don’t let the soil completely dry out between waterings. I’ve found that typically watering about once a week works well for pothos.

  • Pothos do best in warm temperatures, 70 - 85°F is ideal, and cannot handle anything below 55°F.

  • They thrive in average household humidity (50 - 65%), and can tolerate low humidity (30 - 45%).

  • Pothos do best when potted in a well draining aroid mix that retains moisture. They are fast growers, and will need to be repotted once you see roots start poking out from the bottom.

  • Like most other tropical plants kept as houseplants, pothos tissues contain calcium oxalates that make it mildly toxic to people and pets if ingested.

Pothos varieties

Golden Pothos

  • Golden Pothos are incredibly hardy, tough plants, and can tolerate a variety of light conditions. Their yellow variegation will fade in lower light, and if grown in inadequate light conditions for prolonged periods, they can revert to sold green leaves and loose their yellow variegation completely.

  • They are quick growers, and can be grown as a hanging plant or given support their vines will climb.

  • You may have heard of “Giant Pothos” or “Hawiian Pothos” - they are both just other names for the mature form of Golden Pothos. When they’re able to grow to their mature form, their leaves can get quite large, and even get splits (fenestrations) in them! You can encourage this type of growth at home by giving your Golden Pothos a support pole or trellis to climb, warm temperatures, high humidity, and plenty of bright light.

Neon Pothos

  • Neon Pothos leaves are a bright yellow green color, and to maintain this coloration they need plenty of bright indirect light. Their leaves will easily burn, so no direct sunlight. If they have too low light, their leaf color will start to shift to a greener hue, eventually reverting to be a more lime green color instead of yellow.

  • Neon Pothos are average growers, and can be grown as a hanging plant with their vines trailing down, or given support and encouraged to climb.