Syngonium, Arrowhead Plant
Syngonium podophyllum
Care Guide
These plants do best in medium to bright indirect light. Their thin, delicate leaves will quickly burn or bleach in direct sun, so limit exposure to only 2-3 hours max. Non-variegated varieties can tolerate lower light levels, where variegated types of Syngoniums need consistent bright light to maintain their variegation.
To help prevent root rot, let your Syngonium dry out a little between waterings. I’ve found watering about every 10 days in ambient conditions works well. Watch for wilting or droopy leaves, which is a sign of not enough water. If that occurs, slightly increase your watering frequency.
Syngoniums prefer warm temperatures, 65F or above is ideal. Anything below 55F risks cold damage.
Syngoniums will grow just fine in typical household humidity (40-50%) but will thrive in more humid conditions (60-75%). Avoid placing them near vents or areas with drafts, a kitchen or bathroom with plenty of natural light would be a great spot for Syngoniums.
They do best in a chunky, well-draining mix with plenty of drainage in the pot. They can be prone to root rot, so they need plenty of drainage in the soil and pot to keep water from collecting around the roots which leads to rot. I’ve had great success with growing Syngoniums in a chunky aroid mix with plenty of airflow around the roots.
Syngoniums, like other Aroids, contain calcium oxalates in their tissues which are mildly toxic to pets and people if ingested.
Syngonium Varieties
Syngonium Albo
Syngonium Albo has patches of solid white variegation on otherwise deep green leaves. Levels of variegation varies greatly between individual plants.
Syngonium Milk Confetti
This variety of syngonium has pale minty green leaves with striking red or pink variegation.
Syngonium Mojito
The Mojito gets it’s name from it’s dappled variegation pattern in light almost minty green and dark green.
This variety needs lots of very bright light to maintain it’s variegation. Grow lights are highly recommended to ensure consistent bright light, and keep them on for 12-14 hours a day in the active growing season.
Syngonium Batik
Syngonium Batik has dark green leaves with light green or cream colored veins. The vein color pattern ranges from thin to almost overtaking the entire leaf.
Syngonium Panda Galaxy
This variety has dark green leaves with speckled cream colored variegation and the occasional splash of solid white.
This variety needs plenty of bright light to keep it’s distinctive variegation, and grow lights are highly recommended.