ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant

Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Care Guide

  • Any, really! ZZ plants can survive in light conditions ranging from “low light” all the way up to “bright indirect” with a little bit of “direct,” even. Anything more than a small amount of direct sun will burn their leaves, but they can tolerate a couple of hours or so of low-intensity direct morning sun.

  • ZZ plants are semi-succulent desert plants, so they need very little water. On average they only need to be watered once every 2 weeks or more, and their soil should completely dry out between waterings. They are very susceptible to overwatering and drought tolerant, so, when in doubt, err on the side of under watering. They can survive weeks, even over a month, without water. The ZZ plant has rhizomes in its root system, which soak up and store plenty of water. Once they’ve reached their capacity, the soil should drain away extra moisture so the root system can breathe.

  • ZZ plants can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, but no lower than 45°F.

  • Being desert plants, ZZs prefer low humidity (30-45%), but will do well in medium / average household humidity environments (50-65%).

  • Since they’re so susceptible to overwatering, ZZs need extremely well draining soil and pots with plenty of drainage. The worst thing for a ZZ plant is excess moisture in soggy, wet soil. Terracotta is a good pot option for ZZs, as the clay draws moisture out and away from the roots and helps prevent that soggy soil. Also, choosing a pot that fits the roots without much extra room around them helps keep the soil from retaining any extra moisture.

  • Like many other common houseplants, ZZ plants contain calcium oxalate in their tissue. This causes them to be mildly toxic to pets and people if ingested, and can cause mild inflammation of the skin, eyes, or mucus membranes if they come in contact.